Find the perfect way to show her how much you love her with this collection of 100 romantic love quotes for her from the heart. We don’t have to wait for a special occasion to express our love to our girlfriend or wife, and it is even more appreciated when we show our love just because we care. Love is one of the most magical emotions and therefore is one of the most difficult to express and show. One of the best ways to show her how much we care is to use touching, romantic, funny and cute love quotes for her. It is not always that easy to create quotes about love for her all by ourselves. An emotion as profound as love often defies being limited to words. Therefore, we have created this collection of the best love quotes for her to help you to melt her heart and soul. Here you will find 1) love you quotes for her, 2) love quotes images for her and 3) funny love quotes for her. Enjoy!

You may also be interested in Love Poems for Her or Short Love Quotes.


Romantic Love Quotes for Her From the Heart

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  • Your smile is intoxicating. It lingers, it captivates my heart.
  • Time and time again I have to pinch myself when I see you next to me. You are my dream come true.
  • You are the one for me. I have never been so sure of anything in all my life.
  • Now I know why I belong here on this earth, it is because of you.
  • You may not be perfect, you are flawed like all humans. But you are perfect to me and that’s all that matters.
  • My love for you is mightier than Goliath and Niagara Falls combined.
  • I’ll catch every star for you. I’ll cross every ocean for you. I will die for you.
  • Your angelic face leaves me breathless.
  • On this day, I vow to be completely yours forever.
  • Not so long ago I was alone and lost, and then you came along and I was home. Thank you for finding me.
  • I found my home and paradise with you.
  • What matters most to me is you. I live to make you happy.

romantic love quotes for her

  • Believing that you are mine forever is what makes me get up in the mornings.
  • There is nothing I wouldn’t do to make you mine forever.
  • I am head over heels, deeply and crazily in love with you.
  • Thank you for giving me the most wonderful years and the most beautiful life.
  • You are all that matters to me, my love for you will last eternally.
  • Making your dream come true is my dream come true.

  • Your voice is music to my ears, your smile is beauty to my eyes.
  • I should be parading you off to the world each and every day, that’s how much I worship you.
  • Surely, I am being rewarded because I have you.
  • Forever I am yours and eternally you are mine.
  • Every little thing you do, every little thing you say contains magic and pixie dust.
  • We are tangled, knotted, locked, and tied to each other forever.
  • Lying in your loving arms is heaven on earth.
  • I’m never ever giving you up, I’m never ever leaving you. Instead I’ll forever and ever love and cherish you.
  • I now know that miracles do happen, because I met you.
  • You are simply an angel on earth.

short love quotes for her

  • Thank you for stealing my eyes from the crowd and stealing my heart from me.
  • I loved you, I love you, I will always love you forever and ever.
  • You have sweetened and warmed up my life.
  • You are the icing on my cake, the A to my Ok and the heart to my soul.
  • Reaching for your hand brings me such joy and knowing that you are mine forever brings me peace.
  • I’ve never felt so masculine until I met you. You bring out the man in me.
  • You are the reason for all of my success. You are my inspiration and motivation.
  • You are my forever confidant. My love for you will end never.
  • #bestpartnerforever
  • Please grow old with me and I promise you that I will be here for you till the end.
  • Sunrises and sunsets have become so much more beautiful ever since I met you.
  • Breathtaking should mean YOU in the dictionary.

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  • Please share these cute love quotes for her.  Spread the love!  Every little bit helps!


Funny Love Quotes for Her

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  • You are by far the most amazing, beautiful, sexy, loving, kind and annoying woman in the world. I included that last one so you knew that I was being honest!
  • Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you I want to smile.
  • I love you more than I love getting drunk. And I really, really love getting drunk.
  • Your looks, your brain, your romance, and your cooking all get an A+.
  • You’re gonna have to stop being so gorgeous because my heart is about to beat completely out of my chest.
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m no poet, I just wanna kiss you!

funny love quotes for her

  • I get giddy and I giggle like a girl whenever you’re around.
  • You had me at “leave me alone, you freak”.
  • I may not be perfect, but I always let you be right. And I know I’m not wrong about that!

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  • Please share these funny love quotes for her.  Spread the love!  Every little bit helps!


More Quotes About Love for Her


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  • I was made for you. I was born for you. I love you with all my soul.
  • The chances of meeting you on this planet are like finding a needle in haystack. A miracle happened when we found each other.
  • You are the missing piece to my life. You are the answer to my prayers.
  • God gave me you to cherish and treasure forever.
  • I promise to handle your heart with care and treasure it with love.
  • How can I ever explain how much you mean to me? Words will never be enough.
  • You’ll fit perfectly snug in my strong arms for all eternity, my love.
  • I would be nothing without your unconditional and undying love.
  • I will walk with you and follow you till the end.

cute love quotes for her

  • I am what I am because of you. You are the single source of my being.
  • Life with you is tranquil yet full of surprises and I am in it for the long haul.
  • The power of your smile should never be underestimated. It melts my heart and touches my soul.
  • You are the winner and the sole owner of my heart.
  • Lucky me, for I was there the day I met you. You are the greatest woman in all the universe.
  • Until the day I die I shall always carry with me the memories of your sweet face.
  • I was over the moon when I met you, I was on cloud nine when you said yes.
  • My love for you is so powerful that whenever I see you I want to kiss you passionately.
  • No one else matters when I look into your eyes.

best love quotes for her

  • Realizing that I love you more than myself is kind of scary, yet my love for you is even stronger.
  • I pray that your love for me will never end.
  • Because of you I have a reason to live every day.
  • You have captivated my heart and soul forever.
  • I crown you the Queen of my heart.
  • You surprise, amaze and thrill me every single day.
  • I still get goosebumps whenever you touch me.
  • All my dreams come true when I look into your eyes and hold you in my arms.
  • I wish that I could hold your hand forever.

love quotes for her from the heart

  • I surrendered my heart to you the day we met.
  • The story of my life is all about you, my love.
  • I’ll honor, respect, cherish and love you till the day I die.
  • Lying beside you makes me feel blessed.
  • I’ll forever carry you and hold you in my heart.
  • Take me with you forever. My love for you will end never.
  • No one will ever know how perfect you are to me.
  • God has planned you for me.
  • Kissing you is my favorite hobby. Holding you is my favorite pastime.

love you quotes for her

  • My heart is guaranteed 100% yours.
  • You are the single greatest source of my joy. You are the sun of my life and I revolve around you, you nourish me, you give me life.
  • Gratitude is all I have to God for giving you to me.
  • You are extraordinary, exquisite, impressive, magical and I am so in love with you.
  • You magically captivated my soul.
  • I have waited so long for the perfect girl and my patience has finally paid off.
  • You can do no wrong in my eyes. You are perfect!
  • Getting to know you is the highlight of my life.

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  • Please share these love you quotes for her.  Spread the love!  Every little bit helps!


Love Sayings for Her & Sweet and Romantic Quotes for Her

This collection of romantic and sweet quotes for her and love sayings for her was collected and created just for you, so that you will always be able to express to your girlfriend or wife how much you care about her and so she will always know how important and special she is to you. A great way to deepen the trust and love in a relationship is to express your feelings on a regular basis. Women are usually hard-wired to appreciate this, so why not do this simply thing and enhance your relationship by reciting or texting her romantic and cute sayings for her or I love you quotes for her. These cute and sweet sayings for her and romantic love quotes for her are for you and her to enjoy and share.
sweet love sayings for her
We sincerely hope that you enjoyed this collection of true love quotes for her and that you were able to find some love quotes that perfectly expressed the feeling in your heart and show your girlfriend or wife your love. Not everyone is a wordsmith and even those who are often cannot compose just the right love messages for her because love is such an elusive feeling, hard to describe. Because creating beautiful love quotes for her does not always come with ease, most of us will turn to collections of quotes on love and find something which truly resonates with how we feel. We hope these quotes about love for her are able to do just that for you and that you can return here often and always find the perfect words for the right occasion for your girlfriend or wife. And we hope you will agree that these are truly the best love quotes for her out there!

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